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Leading for Wellbeing

Holistic coaching and consulting for professionals

Wellbeing for Leaders

Leading for Wellbeing recognizes that the wellbeing of each of us is interconnected with those around us. Leaders of wellbeing grow the wellbeing of those we work with, while developing our organizations to be more sustainable and successful.

Wellbeing for Educators

Teaching for Wellbeing is an approach to teaching intended to simultaneously improve the lives of students while improving the wellbeing of the teacher. Leading for wellbeing applies to teachers of adults and children in learning institutions and in corporate settings. 

What is wellbeing?


It’s more than good physical health, and it is more than feeling happy. A sense of wellbeing is a sense of wholeness.

Living with wellbeing means living life to its fullest, while enriching the lives of those around us.


Live, learn, and lead with greater self-awareness, productive energy, and deeper meaning.

Relational Connection

Improve communication and compassion with students, employees, family, friends, and co-workers.

Be the change

Develop a greater capacity to be an agent of innovative change and justice in your organization and at the level of larger systems.

Spiritual Connection

Identify and strengthen your personal beliefs, your connection with nature, and your affirmation of life.

The Leading for
Wellbeing Model

Leading for Wellbeing is a scientific model that can be applied to teaching, leading, or life.

The Leading for Wellbeing Model is drawn from multiple philosophies of progressive education, the science of positive psychology, critical theory, systems thinking, and the research of the lived experience of teachers.


photo of Renee Owen

Dr. Owen

Author and teacher on the topics of self-organizing governance, leadership development, racial equity, mindfulness, positive classroom environments, and non-profit management.

“I love working with Renee and our sessions always leave me with ideas and practices that I can use in my daily life. Renee is very intuitive and creates a space for me to share that feels safe and non judgmental. I feel her supportive presence and her warmth and humor shine through. It is very clear that Renee cares about the wellbeing of her clients and offers a compassionate space for someone to examine themselves in a meaningful way.” 

Sara M.

The difference between coaching and consulting

The difference between coaching and consulting

The difference between coaching and consulting is mostly in the amount and type of guidance the coach or consultant gives. The consultant is an expert giving specific training, whereas the coach nudges and guides the client to be a self-learner.

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How do wellbeing and spirituality belong together?

How do wellbeing and spirituality belong together?

Wellbeing and spirituality are different...and the same.   I had a hard time deciding on a name for my website. Spirituality has been a central focus of my work, but the word spirituality is a “turn off” for some people. It often comes with a lot of baggage. For...

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